Water is so helpful to us in our everyday lives, but despite its many helpful uses, it can cause severe problems, depending on the circumstances. One way that water can cause issues is by damaging your wooden deck. For those… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘damage’
How a Composite Deck Could be Damaged
Composite decking can be a great addition to any home. It can provide homeowners with extra outdoor living space, making it the ideal place for people to socialize or simply unwind after a tough day. Unfortunately, there are some factors… Read More
Making Sure Your Wooden Deck Doesn’t Splinter
Have you recently installed a deck on your property? If so, you’ll want it to last as long as it can and avoid having it experience many problems. One problem decks can experience, mainly with wooden ones, is splintering. Splintering… Read More
How You Should Replace Rotted Deck Boards (Part 1)
Your deck boards can get damaged by many factors, such as foot traffic and the various weather conditions under which they are exposed. Eventually, with enough time, your deck boards can start to rot, and new boards will be needed…. Read More
How Moisture Can Harm a Wooden Deck
If you own a wooden deck, then you know about the dangers of water damage. Unfortunately, water is a variable you can’t really avoid, and eventually, it could start to cause problems for your decking. This damage isn’t going to… Read More
How Can Weather Affect a Fence?
Your fence goes through a lot to keep itself standing. It has to deal with so many weather conditions, from heavy snow to pouring rain to extreme wind, and more! When you’re picking fencing for your home, you should consider… Read More
What Makes Your Paint Start Bubbling?
There are many possible reasons for a paint job not to work out in the end. A common reason painting doesn’t go well is because the paint began to either blister or bubble. When paint bubbles, it means the paint… Read More
How to Prevent the Collapse of Your Deck
There are plenty of stories that involve decks collapsing. Were you aware that more than 500 people sustain injuries due to deck collapses every year? Sometimes, injuries can even be lethal. This is even more concerning hearing that around 40… Read More
Common Problems Wood Fences Face and When You Should Repair Vs. Replace Them
Are you unsure of whether you should get your fence repaired or replaced? The way that most homeowners go about making the decision is to look at the costs associated with each option. Getting a fence repaired is often easier… Read More
Signs of Termites On Your Fence & What To Do About It
Termites are the bane of any wooden fence’s existence. If left unchecked, they will run rampant and destroy your fencing before you even get a chance to enjoy it. You want to catch these pests in the act early on… Read More