Here’s what you can do to make deck maintenance easier for yourself.
When you install a new deck, it’s not enough to only think about the installation. You also have to consider the maintenance requirements for your deck. No one wants to bother with maintenance procedures. Over time, it can get mundane and monotonous, and it can take time away from you to get other tasks done. Fortunately, deck maintenance doesn’t have to be such a hassle. Here’s what you can do to make deck maintenance easier for yourself.
Wait a Year Before Cleaning a New Deck
You might be thinking that you should constantly clean a new deck, so it continues to look like new. Avoid doing this! Instead, part of proper deck maintenance is knowing when to wait. For a clean deck, you should wait at least one year before you clean it. New decks don’t often need cleaning until after the first year. To clarify, this doesn’t mean you can’t address small spills or other messes that pop up.
Clean Your Deck Before Staining It
Regardless of decking material, you should always clean your deck before you do any staining. When decks are installed, they have mill scale most of the time. Mill scale is a grain of wood that gets crushed when the boards get milled. If you clean your deck before staining it, the mill scale comes off, allowing your stain to soak into your boards to give you a better color.
Think Twice About Power Washing
Many people like using power washers as part of their deck maintenance routine. They’re the preferred tool for many people because of the quick results they yield. The problem is that power washers can damage your deck’s surface if you’re not careful. They’re also capable of damaging your yard and windows, among other parts of your outdoor landscape. If that wasn’t enough, power washers also give mold spores the opportunity to grow. Once you give them a moist environment, these spores can begin growing around your deck to cause damage.
Along with all of the potential damage they cause, power washers will also rarely ever give you a clean, even finish. It’s more likely that you’ll have streaks and a generally uneven look.
Keep a Constant Eye On Your Deck To Monitor Damage
Deck maintenance should always include keeping an eye on your deck to see if anything starts going wrong. If you can detect problems early, they won’t take as much time or money to address, and your chances of saving your deck will go up, so you don’t have to replace it. Be extra watchful after bad weather such as heavy rain or wind because it’s more likely for your deck to sustain damage after intense weather conditions.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC, has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
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