Having a decking installation in fall has its perks over spring or summer when others are installing their decks.
For many people, they think that outdoor renovations come to an end when temperature drop and the leaves change colors and that it’s time to start bundling up inside and getting cozy by a warm fire. What they may not realize is that fall is the perfect time to make outdoor renovations, like having a new decking installation. Having a decking installation in fall has its perks over spring or summer when others are installing their decks.
Pick the Best Contractors
In the fall, decking installations are easy to set up. Decking contractors are in the “off-season” during fall, so there aren’t many jobs they work on at this time. This means all of the best contractors are more available, so you can pick the best person for your decking job.
Less Negative Impact on your Landscape
In spring and summer, the weather is more intense. You can get days of sweltering heat, and other days that have heavy rain. When the weather is cooler, like it is in fall, it helps to dry out your landscape. This makes a decking installation much easier because you won’t cause as much damage to your yard.
Get Ahead of Others on your Decking Installation
If you do your decking installation in the fall, that means you beat the spring rush, so while others are still installing decks on their property, you’re already enjoying your deck. You also won’t have to worry about the hot weather like everyone else.
You Can Capitalize on Predictable Weather
Speaking of weather, it is relatively predictable during the fall, more so than in the spring or summer. There are fewer troublesome weather conditions that pop up, such as thunderstorms, that could force you to delay your decking installation. This makes it easier to get your deck installed more quickly.
You Can Save Money
While business tends to slow down in the fall, most contractors are available all year long. Usually, during this time, contractors will offer off-season prices. This means you can get the same decking installation done at a reduced cost. You could use the money you save to help find accessories for your deck, so you get a more refined deck for the same price as a regular deck in spring or summer.
Enjoy Your Deck in the Warmer Months
If you want to use your deck in the spring or summer, then you want to get your decking installation finished before then. Otherwise, you’ll be spending the time working on the deck instead of enjoying it as you planned.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
Visit our website here, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.