Before you begin your exterior painting project, you should consider all of the following factors.
Painting your home sounds simple enough. Just grab a brush and start painting, right? Well, it’s not exactly that simple. When you’re painting the exterior of your home, there are many challenges that come with the job. Before you begin your exterior painting project, you should consider all of the following factors.
Neighborhood Restrictions
You might live in a homeowner association, and if you do, they get to decide what type of paint you use. There are even some communities that have committees that require you to provide a painting plan for them to approve.
These regulations are in place for the sake of maintaining property values and to retain a uniform appearance that goes all through the community. If you don’t live in a homeowner association, there could still be state building codes that can influence your painting project, though they don’t tend to demand permits for you to change your exterior paint.
Different paints perform at different temperatures, and the type of paint you use could depend based on how the weather is. You’ll always want to check the paint brand recommendations, but moisture is something that you’re always best to avoid. This means that regardless of which paint you use, don’t try completing your exterior painting whenever it’s raining or humid outside. Paint needs time to dry, so keep an eye on the weather and choose a time that will let your paint dry once the painting process is complete. Selecting a time with moderate temperatures and low humidity is often the best option.
Get your Landscape Prepared
Exterior painting can get messy, so you should protect your landscape while you’re painting. Cover your gardens and bushes with tarps or drop cloths before you start painting so you can preserve them. If you’re struggling to keep them in place, place weights on the corners to hold them down. These weights could be items like bricks and rocks. You should also remove any outdoor furniture from the premises until your exterior painting job is complete.
Go with a Professional Painting Contractor
We recommend seeking professional assistance for your exterior painting project. A pro will know what obstacles can pop up during the painting job and take measures to prevent problems from occurring. Something else great about hiring a professional is that they estimate the expenses they’ll have on the job, meaning you won’t have to pay for any additional supplies needed to get your exterior painting finished. When you choose a professional painting company, your project will be in capable hands, so your job will get done right the first time.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC, has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
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