Now that you have the dream custom kitchen cabinets you’ve always wanted, it’s important that you know how to maintain them. Wood is a strong material for sure, but kitchens are an inevitably messy place. With grease splatter and food stains that seem to come out of nowhere, your kitchen cabinets will need a thorough cleaning every once and a while. Here are some tips when cleaning your custom kitchen cabinets that will keep them looking brand new.
Soap and Water
It may sound simple because it is simple. Sometimes all you need for even heavy grease spots is dish soap and water. This is easy enough since, surely, you have dish soap on-hand in your kitchen. Dish soap is great for cleaning your kitchen cabinets since the ingredients cut through tough grease stains easily. With a damp cloth or sponge, mix whatever dish soap you prefer with some warm water, and gently rub your wood cabinets with the solution. This is the best way to make sure that your cabinets are free of food residue and smell fresh.
White Vinegar
Maybe you’re running low on dish soap or simply want to try another DIY solution for cleaning your cabinets. If you’re willing to try something a little more old-school, the white vinegar and warm water method is another great option. Vinegar is an old-fashioned house cleaning method that has made a comeback in recent years. Mix one part warm water with one part white vinegar and dab your damp cloth or sponge into the solution. Don’t worry about the vinegar smell. It will go away as soon as the water-vinegar solution starts to dissolve.
Cleaning the Inside
The inside of your cabinets can accumulate some grime as well. This is especially important to take care of if you have any glass cabinets in your kitchen. The last thing you want your guests to see is the inside of a dirty cabinet. It’s always in your best interest to keep your kitchen cabinets need and tidy to maximize your kitchen’s appearance and overall efficiency.
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